Sunday, April 29, 2012

My 2009 Captain Marvel Concept Bible

Captain Marvel Concept Bible

As the last Ms. Marvel series ended, which I wasn't thrilled with for a while save for the Secret Invasion tie-ins, I wrote a book concept which I keep thinking about now that there is a Captain Marvel book coming out that stars Carol Danvers. What interests me is that there are so many obviously different things based on the very little I know (Which is on purpose. I want to come to this book not having everything spoiled two months before the release.), but yet there seem to be universals that everyone wants to focus on. I still love how I ended the whole thing.
              It all comes down to the name: Marvel. The very word evokes something unique and special. It is an ideal; something to aspire for. But every day there are opportunities and challenge which distract us from achieving our goals. Mar-Vell himself epitomized the word through his actions and his integrity in facing down his and Earth's enemies. But it is also not so much to strive, but to inspire. And that is in itself a challenge Carol herself has faced. In becoming a symbol, the desire to be the symbol has been put ahead of actually doing what is needed by a hero the world can marvel upon as a hero. It is not enough to be the hero people want, but to be the hero the world needs to see in itself. What makes Carol a more perfect Captain Marvel than Mar-Vell or Noh-Varr or Hulkling or anyone else is that she is a human first. She was not brought to Earth to save it. She is of Earth, and Earth can defend itself.

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